Top 5 Solutions For Colorblind People (CVD)


Color blind people face more difficulties in day-to-day life which normally sighted individuals just aren’t aware of.

Problems can occur in even the simplest of activities including choosing and preparing food, gardening, sport, etc.

Color-blind people can also find themselves in problems because they haven’t properly understood the information in the office or have not seen themselves/their kid getting sunburnt. Now you can test for color blindness with this color blind test online from comfort of your home.

To enable colorblind persons to use colors accurately, there are some useful products available. All people with color deficiency must be aware of these products and start using some of them.

Most Common Problems For Colorblind People

  • Can't tell if the fruits are ripe or not.
  • Having a problem telling if food is cooked sufficiently.
  • Green crayons seem red, and vice versa.
  • Matching clothes or seeing the color of dresses
  • Can't tell what color people's eyes are.
  • Can't see the colors of the rainbow
  • On the whiteboard, the colors only appear as black.
  • Cannot design environment: home/office
  • Show low confidence when it comes to color-related judgments
  • Struggle with tasks related to colors


There are some tricks used by Colorblind individuals to control any situation related to colors. 

One of the most common tricks that we all use in our daily lives is memorizing the colors of everything. eg; blueberry is not blue it is purple, cucumber is green, leaves are green in color, and the trunk of a tree is brown.

In some cases like shopping, it's difficult to guess the colors because generally yellow shorts could be light green, or a pair of brown shoes could be dark red. 

As result, most people with color deficiency struggle with shopping that's why usually wear a few colors such as; black, gray, white, and blue.

5 Solutions For Colorblind People

1. Use Mobile Applications Designed For Colorblind People To Assist You In Specifying Colors

You can take a photo of anything you want and by indicating the objects in the image the app will tell you the color.

Some of them are - Color Grab, Color Picker & Color Detector

(Find them in your app store & play store).

If you care about your appearance and you are conscious of its impact of it, there is a very simple tool that can help you a lot besides operating mobile applications.

2. Color Wheel & Theory Of Colors


What colors go well together? 

We can provide an answer to this question only by using the color wheel and understanding the color theory. Don't panic! it's not tough and I ensure you can use it and you will see how this simple tool can assist you to use colors efficiently.

The color wheel shows the relationships between the colors, which is color theory. for example with this tool you can understand yellow and purple are matching together, Red and green go well together, that's why we see them so much at Christmas, and blue and orange are another match. 

To learn more about color combination and shopping you can read this article Choosing Clothes For Colorblind People and watch this video. This video is part of the online courses for colorblind individuals provided by COLORWILL.

3. Colorblind Glasses

Colorblind glasses like EnChroma &  Pilestone can help a colorblind person to differentiate between colors like purple and blue, or brown and green color. Colorblind glasses for color-blind people may enhance the wearer's ability to sense color contrast, vibrancy, and depth. These glasses are made with specific minerals to absorb and filter out some of the wavelengths between green and red that could complicate the brain.

Color blindness correcting glasses will not change color perception for individuals whose deficiency is caused by a total absence of red or green photoreceptors. The Impact of these glasses only last as long as they are being worn. In any way, the glasses don't modify a person's photoreceptors, optic nerves, or visual cortex to cure color blindness. 

Again, this is not a cure, and the effects do vary. Color perception is usually different for each person so everyone’s experience will not be exact. There are so many people for them colorblind glasses didn't work at all. 

If you are considering buying colorblind glasses for yourself, or your child, or giving them as a present to someone, don't forget to read reviews before buying colorblind glasses to check if it is a good idea or not. 

4. Use Color Names Stickers


It's very difficult to discover products to help colorblind people to use colors perfectly. Color-name stickers are one of the most useful products that I found could significantly improve a colorblind person's life.

Labeling colors is one of the most common techniques that can help colorblind people at school or work. It can help them never miss significant information and completely understand the topic. For example, Teachers can use colorful name stickers for colored pencils/markers or labels for charts and graphs. 

Color name stickers are not just for kids, so many colorblind artists, painters, and designers use these stickers to stop making mistakes in their works.

5. Use The Colorblind Mode Option


You can use Color Filters on your specific device to assist you to distinguish between colors.

You can find more information here:

Apple Devices: Tap for more info!

Android Devices: Tap for more info!

Windows 10: Tap for more info!

Mac: Tap for more info!

The good news is that many video game corporations started to add a colorblind mode option in their video game. 

How To Enable Colorblind Mode In Games

  1. While in-game, press the Esc key to drop down the menu options.
  2. Click the Video tab.
  3. Under Resolution, use the toggle to on and off Colorblind Mode.

To add additional information to various UI elements that generally require color, check the Enable UI Colorblind Mode option. Select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu, to activate a colorblind filter. You can choose a filter for ProtanopiaDeuteranopia, or Tritanopia. You can also adjust the intensity of the filter using the Adjust Strength slider.

If you are a colorblind artist or designer, and you wish to apply more colors to your assignments, initiate your dream career, or become a specialist in your field.


Are There Currently Any Cures For Color Blindness?

There is no cure for color blindness as it's hereditary. However special filters, spectacles, and contact lenses have been introduced that can change someone's color perception. Color blindness impacts so many parts of our life.

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